
Having created hundreds of videos ranging from unscripted documentaries to hosted explainers, my fondness for creating amazing stories is second to none. Having a particularly diverse range of both technical and creative skills sets allows me to be hands on with and delegate unique and ambitious projects. This allows me to make sure audiences are engaged, stay tuned in and binge quality content.

Video Development

When it comes to new ideas I have a glass half full mindset. Coming up with new concepts and following them through to completion is a natural process to me. Digging deep into a brands voice and finding the void that’s waiting to be filled with an exceptional series or one-off video is my specialty. While working for Vox Media Inc., I created over ten successful series that led to massive fanbases.

Creative Consultant

With ten years of experience working in digital video I have amassed key strategies that can help brands optimize their video performance. From conception to packaging, I will create a bespoke strategy that can help lead your video brand to successful results. My experiences through out digital media have led me to the best approaches for almost every video platform in existence. My workflows have for video have helped garner half a billion views and millions of followers.